It all started here

We have been managing our international activities from this head office since 1976.

Welcome to Tuitjenhorn

The Blankendaal Group is an internationally operating company with a wide variety of activities.

Blankendaal Coldstores B.V. is a major service provider in the field of refrigerated and frozen logistics. Traditionally, our trade and logistics activities have been managed from our office in Tuitjenhorn. Storage, order picking and handling are the most important activities. 

Other activities include the unloading and loading of sea containers and seagoing vessels.

At this location, we have 50,000 pallet places for refrigerated and frozen products, facilities for shock freezing and defrosting and 15 docks.

50.000 Palletplaces

15 Docks

shock freezing and defrosting 


Veilingweg 9
1747 HG  |  Tuitjenhorn

Tel.: +31(0)226 - 332 910